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St. MichaeL Secondary School

September - December 2022

A documentation of my placement in Mount St. Michael Secondary School in Claremorris, Co. Mayo.


Mount St. Michael Secondary School

Today’s World Content Area 3, Unit 14: Processes and Media, Students will study the practice of a number of artists to expand on their understanding of artistic processes and media in relation to portraiture to create a Research Project and inform the development of their Practical Work.


Learning Outcomes

1.1 Looking
identify the sources that support the development of their work.
1.2 Recording and documenting
record visual information through a variety of media and techniques.
1.3 Experimenting and interpretation
discriminate and extrapolate information from research
1.4 Contextual enquiries
identify links with artists of the past and present that have explored similar topics or themes.


2.1 Making
interpret primary sources including the natural and built environment and the human figure as a source of inspiration.
2.2 Contextual enquiries
translate their experience of Visual Studies into their practical work.
2.4 Realisation/Presenting
curate and present their work in a considered way.



3.1 Analysis
discuss examples from Visual Studies.
recognise the artistic thinking and elements in their own work and that of others.
3.3 Impact and value
argue the merit of a work using appropriate contextual information.
3.4 Critical and personal reflection
value sustained and varied investigation of a stimulus.
justify their research, processes, decision making and realised work


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